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TP-Link Archer T2U Nano AC600 Nano Wireless USB Wi-Fi Adapter ARCHER T2U NANOUp one level

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TP-Link Archer T2U Nano AC600 Nano Wireless USB Wi-Fi Adapter receives Wi-Fi signals on two separate bands

  • Supporting 256QAM technology increases 2.4 GHz data rate from 150 Mbps to 200 Mbps for 33% faster performance.
  • 433Mbps on 5GHz, ideal for HD video streaming and lag-free online gaming, while 200Mbps on 2.4GHz is perfect for normal use such as web surfing with legacy devices.
  • With its miniature size and sleek design, users can insert the nano adapter into any USB port and leave it there, no matter where they are.

Pack size: 1 | Part number: TP08263

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TP08263 | J | 787

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